
Strong and Resilient through PNT - Positive Neuroplasticity Training

Growing the good in your mind and your life in challenging times!

Join us for the next 18hrs original Positive Neuroplasticity Training developed by Rick Hanson, Ph. D.

Have it, enjoy it!

Taking in the Good

In this original training of 18 hrs total you will learn how to:

  • Meet your needs to feel safer, more satisfied and more connected, and thus feel less anxious or stressed.
  • Hardwire peace of mind, contentment and self-compassion into your brain.
  • Identify your own challenges and pain points and grow your specific personal inner strengths to overcome and heal them.

Content: The training consists of 6 course units:

The Essence of Positive Neuroplasticity

Use your mind to change your brain
Use mindfulness to let be, let go, and let in
Overcome the brain’s negativity bias
Use HEAL to turn experiences into inner resources

Having, Enriching, and Absorbing Beneficial Experiences

Create beneficial, useful experiences
Intensify positive thoughts and feelings
Have a strong sense of being on your own side
See and believe in the good inside you

Linking Positive and Negative Material

Recognize and honor your deep needs
Grow the inner resources you need most
Stay in the “Green Zone”
Use positive experiences to heal wounds and empty places inside

Growing Strengths for Feeling Safer

Get the benefits of self-compassion
Manage threats with calm strength
Be less anxious
Rest in a sense of peace, contentment, and love

Growing Strengths for Feeling More Satisfied

Feel authentically successful at more things
Stay motivated
Pursue big goals without stress
Feel more thankfulness and joy

Growing Strengths for Feeling More Connected

Increase a genuine sense of self-worth
Release envy and resentment
Heal deep levels of old pain
Combine compassion and assertiveness

(from  PositiveNeuroplasticity.com )


When: Please check available dates here.

Where: We will meet in our virtual meeting room on ZOOM.

Prices:  320€ regular price, 260€ for survivalists 380€ for benefactors

(if this is still too much, let us know and we will figure something out)

FREE for Ukrainians/Refugees. To register, please contact us via the contact form.

Positive Neuroplasticity Training Certified Teacher

Positive Neuroplasticity Training

Mind changing Brain changing Mind

We can use our mind to change our brain and strengthen our psyche. Positive Neuroplasticity focuses on cultivating positive states of mind. We learn how everyday experiences can be transformed into inner strengths. These strengths include resilience, self-esteem, compassion, happiness, and feeling loved. Mindful internalization of such psychological resources can help us deal with anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, disappointment, loss, loneliness and shame. It supports well-being, effectiveness, fulfilling relationships, emotional healing and spiritual practice.

The Positive Neuroplasticity course puts you in a position to consciously influence the structure-forming processes in your brain. You will learn how to activate, prolong and enrich positive experiences. This enables or improves their inclusion in the emotional memory. This small practice often takes less than half a minute, yet it can produce profound results. Statistically significant results from a pilot study showed that the training increased positive emotions, self-compassion, mindfulness, emotional balance, self-esteem, gratitude, contentment and love. On the other hand, there is a decrease in depression and anxiety.

 (Rick Hanson, Shauna Shapiro, Emma Hutton-Thamm, Michael R. Hagerty & Kevin P. Sullivan (2021) Learning to learn from positive experiences, The Journal of Positive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2021.2006759)

We are happy to answer any questions about the Positive Neuroplasticity Training via email or the contact form.

To deepen individual topics or exercises, we also offer personal coaching appointments online.

Why we are the right choice for you

About Us

Katja & Jessica

Motivatorinnen & Trainerinnen

Mit ganzem Herzen widmen wir uns dem verständlichen Vermitteln und Teilen unseres Wissens über Achtsamkeit, achtsam Essen und der achtsamen Kommunikation.

Katjas  Leidenschaft gilt es die Samen der Achtsamkeit in sich, ihrer Familie, Freunden, Bekannten und Kursteilnehmenden zu wässern. Seit über 10 Jahren unterweist sie andere auf sehr kluge und liebenswerte Weise  in die verschiedenen Praktiken der Achtsamkeit. Sie verkörpert, was man sich bei Anleiter*Innen wünscht: Tiefes Wissen,  Offenheit und Verständnis. Seit 2021 ist sie persönlich von Rick Hanson als zertifizierte PNT Trainerin akkreditiert.

Jessicas Herzlichkeit bei der Moderation und die professionelle Anleitung während der Kurse ermöglichen ein spielerisches Lernen und eine Leichtigkeit bei der Integration der Inhalte und der gemachten Erfahrungen in den Alltag. 


Strong and Resilient through PNT - Positive Neuroplasticity Training

Growing the good in your mind and your life in challenging times!

Join us for the next 18hrs original Positive Neuroplasticity Training developed by Rick Hanson, Ph. D.